How to write a evaluation paper
Dostoevsky The Ridiculous Man Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Rise and Rise of Indian Fashion Retail Industry
RISE AND RISE OF INDIAN FASHION RETAIL INDUSTRY The Indian Fashion retail industry has made some amazing progress since its beginning in the nation. It is consistently taking the state of economy sponsor and has developed numerous folds in a decade ago. There are various residential brands like Numero Uno, Satya Paul, Pantaloons, and Provogue who have seen gigantic development since the time they showed up in the market. The huge open door has additionally baited global players like Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Zara, WalMart to move into the Indian Fashion Retail Industry.The potential in the segment is massive and it is simply a question of time before the Indian Fashion Retail Industry turns out to be universally eminent. As per one gauge, over half of the retail space in India utilized by Fashion industry. Clothing and materials together is biggest among the retail areas. Consolidating other style portions like gems, beautifiers, embellishments, watches and excellence item implies tha t design compensates for over 60% of retail sector.In retail chains, style items represent around 95% of the all out deals. The offer is 70% in the Hypermarkets. In the year 2009, the estimation of clothing industry in India was INR 32,70,000 million. It is assessed to develop at around 11 percent and should arrive at INR 1,03,20,000 million by 2020. The most significant factor for this precarious development and notoriety of Fashion items is the enormous populace of our country.Also, with the ascent of an ever increasing number of enterprises there is a stamped increment in the salary level of individuals bringing about additionally spending power also. Individuals are purchasing design items like never before previously. When the essential needs of food and haven are met the attention moves on attempting to look and feel much improved. There is an observable development in the quantity of design retail outlets. The Indian Fashion Retail segment comprises of retail chains, gigantic shopping centers, hypermarkets, etc.In fiscal terms, the business has style brands which offers reasonable design garments and is inside the buying intensity of a typical man. It additionally has brands offering premium style items which are extremely costly. Presentation of web based retailing has added another measurement to the style retail section and will unquestionably assist with boosting the deals further. The Indian Fashion has an incredible future ahead and makes certain to become one the greatest Industry in the nation as far as financial force included. Watch out for the blast.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Continuum of Care University of Phoenix Essay Example for Free
Continuum of Care University of Phoenix Essay Long haul Care is just one bit of continuum care. Most Americans attempt to remain at home as long as could be expected under the circumstances. Individuals love to attempt to keep their freedom as long as could reasonably be expected. Numerous older Americans can remain at home as long as possible because of relatives help and home human services helper. Most older individuals can no longer deal with themselves intellectually and truly. This is when Long-term care continuum benefits the patient. The drawn out consideration continuum comprises of nursing home consideration and helped living consideration. The initial phase in the continuum of care is Independent living. Old patients are put in strong lodging or locally established social insurance. In the event that the patient is ineffective with steady lodging, we should move to the subsequent stage. The subsequent stage is giving in home consideration. In home consideration is more affordable than long haul care. The expense of care for this administration relies upon the degree of care and the long stretches of administration the patient needs. The patient’s keep going decision ought to be long haul care. Most older patients use Medicare or Medicaid for long haul care installment. Medicare possibly applies to the patient’s long haul care if the patient is quickly following an emergency clinic remain. Medicare just spread momentary supplier endorsed home medicinal services for language instruction, gifted nursing, word related and clinical social administrations. Medicare additionally conceals to 100 days of nursing home consideration. We are battling today for a more drawn out span for long haul care. The central government ought to permit older patients additional time in long haul care offices. I accept this would cut the expense of crisis room visits and medical clinic permission in seniors.
Friday, July 31, 2020
How Does Compound Interest Work
How Does Compound Interest Work How Does Compound Interest Work? How Does Compound Interest Work?Compound interest is a double-edged sword: It can either work for you or against you. So make sure you get it on your side!Contrary to what its name might lead you to believe, the subject of “interest†isn’t all that interesting. But that doesn’t mean it’s not importantâ€"far from it. Gaining a basic grasp of how various types of interest rates work is a crucial first step in becoming financially literate.But to make matters more complicated, there are several different kinds of interest out there. We recently wrote about how variable interest rates work, and today’s article will instead focus on compound interest. Because the more you know, the better you’ll borrowâ€"and save.What is compound interest?Whether you are borrowing money or investing it, there are two main types of interest: simple interest and compound interest. If you’re an investor, compound interest is your friend. But if you’re a borrower, it’s a foe.“Compound in terest is the amount paid on the initial principal and the accumulated interest on the money youve either invested or borrowed,†explained Nathan Wade, Managing Editor for WealthFit Investing. “The sum of money grows faster compared to simple interest.“This is because youre earning returns on the money you invest and you also receive returns on those returns at the end of each compounding period,†he continued. “The interest is calculated on the initial principal which does include accumulated interest of previous periods of a deposit or loan. Essentially, compound interest allows you to earn interest on your interest. ““Now if you are a borrower, compound interest hurts you rather than helps you,†said finance expert Ron Auerbach. “Compound interest is calculated in the exact same when you’re borrowing money: The only difference is that instead of your getting that money (interest), you now have to pay it. So with compound interest on a loan, youll owe more tha n if your loan was a simple interest one.How does compounding interest work?In order to explain how compound interest works, it helps to start with an explanation of simple interest.“Simple interest only gives you interest on your original amount,†said Auerbach. “For example, you deposit $100 into an account that earns five percent simple interest per year. At the end of one year, your account will grow to $105.â€â€œAnd simple interest is calculated by taking your original amount multiplied by the annual rate of interest. In my example, that would be your $100 deposit times five percent, which is 0.05. Doing this multiplication gives you five dollars.“Now with simple interest, its a fixed rate. That means each year, your interest amount will be the same. So how much would you earn in simple interest in year two? Another five dollars. So by the end of the second year, youd have $110. In other words, you only get interest on your original amount! ““But what if we were de aling with compound interest?†he continued. “In this case, youd be getting interest on top of your original amount, plus interest on top of any previous interest youve received. So using my example from above, at the end of year one, youd have the same $105 as you did with simple interest.“However, in year two, youd earn interest on the original $100 and interest on the five dollars interest from year one. So youre getting interest on the $105 at the end of year one, which would be $105 x 0.05 = $5.25. At the end of year two, youd have a total of $110.25.â€The Rule of 72.According to Steven Briggs of Briggs Financial, The “Rule of 72†in important shorthand you should know to help you understand the power of compounding interest.“What this rule tells you is that if you know the interest rate or rate of return, you can divide 72 by that interest rate to get the number of years it takes for your money to double,†he said.Briggs also offered the following example:“ If you have had your money in an SP 500 index fund, the rate of return has been give or take about nine percent. 72 divided by nine is eight, meaning that about every eight years, the value of your account doubled. Over a 32 year career, the first dollars you put in would have doubled 4 times, meaning that $1,000 invested back then has earned you $16,000 today.â€â€œThis also applies in a negative direction with debt interest rates,†He continued. If your credit card, for example, has an 18 percent interest rate, we can take 72 divided by 18 and find that our debt will double in approximately four years.“Wait, you may be saying, youre telling me that my credit card interest rates could be double or more that of average investment market performance? Yes, which is why before clients of mine work on anything involving investing, we get rid of the guaranteed high-interest debt first.â€â€œI cannot predict how the market will perform,†said Briggs, “but an 18 percent interest is guaranteed to charge that against your balance. Thats a lot of money being given away for the privilege of Visa and Mastercard and American Express letting you borrow it. I hate it, and you should hate it too, hate it enough to want to get rid of it as soon as humanly possible.Make compound interest work for you.If you are saving money for retirement, you need to take advantage of compounding interest by putting your money into retirement accounts or other investment vehicles. If you just leave it in a savings account, you almost certainly won’t have enough to retire on.Similarly, if you’re letting your financial future get bogged down in high-interest credit card debt, you are essentially throwing your money down the drain. Whatever you do, you need to make sure that compound interest is working for you, not against you.“The main component to consider is that most of us are not taking advantage of compounding interest in a meaning and positive way,†urged Josh Littauer (@j osh_littauer), a financial adviser with Wealth Wave. “For example, if your money is in a checking account the interest rate is typically between .25 percent and .5 percent, at these rates it would take between 144 and 288 years for your money to double. Not very good right?â€That’s why Littauer encourages everyone he works with to find ways to minimize the use of interest against them and find ways to starting getting interest on their side: “There are plenty of investment vehicles that will give you 6-12 percent return annually, but in many cases we need to get out of debt first in order to maximize our ability to get a return.“I often get the argument that ‘I dont make enough money to invest,’†he continued. “There is an example of a man who was a UPS driver his whole career starting at 22, during which he committed to investing 20 percent every year. His income was less that 20,000 annually, and yet when he retired he was worth seven million dollars! He took adv antage of compound interest early and it paid off in a huge way!â€â€œThe moral of the story, compound interest will make or break you. Einstein calls it the eighth wonder of the world, but if that eighth wonder is working against you its hard to combat,†concluded Littauer, who added that you should “make sure interest is working in your best interest.â€The more financially literate you become, the better grasp youll have on managing your own finances. If you find yourself relying on short-term bad credit loans and no credit check loans (like payday loans, cash advances, and title loans) to make ends meet every month, then you should make financial literacy one of your top priorities. To learn more about improving your long term financial outlook, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:Building Your Financial Life: Budgeting for BeginnersSave More Money with These 40 Expert TipsFrom Budget to Baller: 6 Tips to Grow Your MoneyEmergency Funds Are Import ant: Here’s How to Start Building OneDo you have a personal finance question youd like us to answer? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. | InstagramContributorsRon Auerbach holds degrees in finance, accounting, economics, and human resources. As a highly-experienced educator, he’s taught subjects from A to Z. This includes personal and corporate finance, economics, accounting, and business math. Mr. Auerbach has also worked in many industries. This includes banking and financial services, retail, hospitality, IT, education, and sales And he is the author of the job search book, Think Like an Interviewer: Your Job Hunting Guide to Success.Steven Briggs is the owner of Briggs Financial, a fee-only financial planning and investment management firm located in Round Lake Beach, IL. He primarily works with his clients online, serving households from coast to coast. Steven is also the host of Money is Personal, a weekly personal finance podcast available on iTunes. Additionally, he volunteers as a board member of the Northwest Housing Partnership, a nonprofit organization that facilitates affordable housing for families throughout Northwest Chicago.Josh Littauer (@josh_littauer) is a financial adviser with Wealth Wave, and an associate of World Financial Group. Josh focuses on bringing education to a financially illiterate society while combining habits, mindset, and perspective from his professional Crossfit career. Our nation and culture are struggling both physically and financially, Josh aspires to change both of those for you and your family. In his spare time, Josh enjoys reading, writing, having a good beer, and exercising.Nathan Wade is a licensed attorney for the State of Hawaii and the U.S. District Court of Hawaii. He holds a law degree with a focus in business and has extensive experience in entrepreneurship and international business. He is also a Managing Editor for WealthFit Investing, a financial education blog ded icated to curating advice on investing, entrepreneurship and money.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Confucianism - 1583 Words
Confucius-Summary Master Kung, also known as Kung Fu-tzu is known to be the Confucius of the west. He is one of the most well known philosophers in Chinese history. Confucianism has evolved so much over the years that no one knows the original thoughts of the master. Master Kung established a tradition of cultural values. Confucius wanted to attain a position in government so he could influence the ruler, thus helping him make wiser decisions. He was appointed to a governmental position in Lu but it was brief. So he traveled the neighboring states hoping to attain another position, and he did but he often spoke his mind when he shouldnt have and was forced to leave again. When he returned home he realized that through his†¦show more content†¦(Lunyu 2.4). Confucius was also careful to instruct his followers that they should never neglect the offerings due Heaven. (Lunyu 3.13) Some scholars have seen a contradiction between Confucius reverence for Heaven and what they believe to be his skepticism with regard to the existence of ‘the spirits. But the Analects passages that reveal Confuciuss attitudes toward spiritual forces (Lunyu 3.12, 6.20, and 11.11) do not suggest that he was skeptical. Rather they show that Confucius revered and respected the spirits, thought that they should be worshipped with utmost sincerity, and taught that serving the spirits was a far more difficult and complicated matter than serving mere mortals. Confucius social philosophy largely revolves around the concept of ren, compassion or loving others. Cultivating or practicing such concern for others involved deprecating oneself. Those who have cultivated ren are, on the contrary, simple in manner and slow of speech. (Lunyu 13.27). For Confucius, such concern for others is demonstrated through the practice of forms of the Golden Rule: What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others; Since you yourself desire standing then help others achieve it, since you yourse lf desire success then help others attain it. (Lunyu 12.2, 6.30). He regards devotion to parents and older siblings as the most basic form of promoting the interests of others before ones own and teaches that such altruism can be accomplished onlyShow MoreRelatedConfucianism : Taoism, Confucianism, And Confucianism1156 Words  | 5 PagesRaymond Cho EALC 350 October 29, 2014 Professor Birge Which philosophy: Taoism, Confucianism, or Legalism would be best in your opinion for maintaining a peaceful society? Why? Perhaps there is no single philosophy that can create a truly peaceful society. 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These beliefs helped shape Chinese culture as well as Chinese history. Not only did people believe in these ideas, but the three helped to govern the mighty Chinese dynasties. These dynasties all provided an impact to each doctrine; the philosophy that had the greatest impact was legalism because it ended the Warring States Period, provided structure, and strengthened agriculture, and the military of China. Although Confucianism, Taoism and LegalismRead MoreA Short History Of Confucianism And Confucianism1196 Words  | 5 PagesProfessor Dimick 23 November 2014 A Short History of Confucianism Confucianism is a way of life propagated by the Chinese philosopher Confucius in the 6th–5th century BCE, and it has been followed by the Chinese for more than 2000 years. Although Confucianism as changed over time, at its core, it is still places the same emphasis on the substance of learning, the source of values, and the social code of the Chinese. Additionally, the influence of Confucianism has extended to other countries such as KoreaRead MoreDifferences Between Confucianism And Confucianism1084 Words  | 5 Pagesphilosophies were similar, like their beliefs about man and society; their ideas were a little bit different and each had their own focus. The difference in focus between Confucianism and Taoism is that Confucianism was focused on having a structured society. It held as a principle the brotherhood of humanity. The opinion of Confucianism in humans was that for humans to live in harmony with each other there needed to be a type of hierarchy in place. That†™s why he had the five Confucian relationships inRead MoreEssay on Confucianism1052 Words  | 5 PagesConfucianism What is Confucianism? Confucianism was the single most important thing in Chinese life. It affected everything in China; education, government, and attitudes toward behavior in public and private life. 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This question has not only been pondered by countless philosophers, but also by religious leaders around the world. Most often a single religious faith believes in either one or the other, and often these beliefs tend to create a certain world-view which dictates much of the faith. However, in some cases such as the one I will be discussing, two religious dignitaries do not agree and the repercussionsRead MoreContributions Of Confucianism1034 Words  | 5 PagesConfucius was a great Chinese philosopher, but he was also a teacher, editor, and politician. He was born on September 28, 551 BC, and died in 479 BC. He was most well known as Confucius, but his real name is Kong Qiu. After his death, Confucianism became the official imperial philosophy of China. Later after his death, he was regarded as a sage who deserved greater recognition, and his teachings became more popular. He accomplished many great things in his life, and died a successful man. Read MoreIs Confucianism A Religion?1595 Words  | 7 PagesIs Confucianism A Religion? Without a doubt, Confucius is regarded as one of the greatest sages of China history. Some people even refer to him as a deity. There have even been attempts to make Confucianism into a religion. However, present day people regard Confucius as an ethical teacher rather than a man of religious faith, and they refuse to believe that Confucianism is a religion. However, in order to determine whether Confucianism is a religion, the most important Confucian text, The Analects
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Work Economic Growth and Theme Park Essay Free Essays
It was a challenge for me to work on this undertaking. because it is a learning procedure for me that how. I could undertake this inquiry hence I collected primary and secondary informations for my undertaking and seek my best to analyse the whole state of affairs and bring forth a good Peace of work. We will write a custom essay sample on Work: Economic Growth and Theme Park Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now I gather information about Theme Parkss called Alton tower. After acquiring the brief cognition about this subject park and their strength and failings. through buttocks to Alton tower web site. With the aid of some good secondary informations such as different web site and books beginnings. I used some selling schemes such as cleavage which is used to aim different types of consumers and it will assist to happen out how this subject park can make something new among other rival further I did a plague analyses. created a good pricing schemes which will assist this subject parks to make long term planning and let them to confront different menaces and jobs in a defensible manner. Political factor consequence really much because Government alterations often and every Government makes it ain policy. which cancel or postponed the old policies and new policies are implemented. which start their work from zero point and all the old work and policies result bootless. Such as subject park might hold jobs in pricing schemes. if Taxes increasing. expensive increasing. clocking factor etc so due to this it can act upon the subject park negatively. On other manus if authorities policies are in the favour of concern sector so might be possible that it will assist Alton. Tower and they can gain more net income borders. Such as late UK authorities has cut down the VAT value added revenue enhancement which will increase the demand of costumiers coming towards subject Parkss more so this show that it’s a good measure taken by authorities in favour of concern sector. . Government Development When it comes to development so authorities some clip can play a critical function in bettering the society criterion such as authorities can give financess to theme Parkss or supply good installations for people who comes over there for enjoyments such built sitting country. exigency aid desk. locator and maps of London in subject Parkss for tourers. Environmental protection and ordinance To protect the environment authorities ever coerce the subject park direction to be stick on this issue and cognizant there costumiers to follow the ordinance such as left eating points. garbic. should be through in ashcans and whole subject park should be Cover up by ashcans. Cars should be non allowed in subject Parkss they should hold separate parking pace due to pollution which is botching the environment. Government should set hoardings of Environmental protection and ordinance on entryway of subject Parkss to cognizant people. Contract implementing jurisprudence over costumer’s safety. In this factor authorities will ever seek their best to do certain that subject Parkss are holding good safety safeguard for costumiers and whole subject Parkss is to the full covered by CCTV so that they can support in good manner against any unsafe state of affairs. Economic Inflation In this factor if the monetary value addition over all the UK and there is high sum of rising prices in state so this will impact the subject park. because there will be a lessening in public disbursement due to rising prices. farther if rising prices is lifting so there will be increase in cost of subject Parkss such as disbursals will lift up. hence theme park will hold no other option left and they will increase their tickets monetary value besides. Economic development If the Alton subject Parks does a good concern of all time twelvemonth such as many people or tourer love to come to UK for enjoyment and in this instance Alton subject park Is a good illustration of amusement and many people would wish to see it due to this it will hold a positive impact over economic conditions of UK. such as there will be increase in GDP. Globalization will increase and there will be a large roar in tourer industry. Employment. Alton subject park is topographic point which is full of amusement and in this instance many people want to see it in different seasons such as summer holidaies is a good season in which subject Parkss are to the full crowded. To manage that demand of people Alton subject park will necessitate workers in their organisation every twelvemonth. Theme park can play a critical function in seasonal employment which is good for economic growing because unemployment will be reduced. Mac Gee ( 2004 ) Pg 415. ( themeparks UK. 2008 ) . titley. b. pg 378 ( 1993 ) . Social Life manner alterations. When we talk about life manner so now yearss different people have different life manner. Harmonizing to people they want something new in life so hence they decide to hold some good holidaies or vacations so that they can remain loosen up for some clip in such busy universe. so theme park like Alton can play a critical function in altering life manner of people this subject park can let people to remain relax and hold peace in their life such as it has good atmosphere. hotel nice merriment topographic point for household and twosomes. Population and age population and growing rate is a really of import factor which can act upon any concern in a positive or negative manner and when it comes to theme park like Alton tower. they need costumiers so that they can hold good concern growing and UK has a good population which is helpful to this subject park and in this population subject Parkss are more attractive towards childs about 10 to 15 or adolescent agers so this will assist Alton subject Parkss to make cleavage of people who can be interested in subject Parkss and so they can aim coevals X ( 10-16 ) and Y ( 16 – 20 ) . more. Populating conditions This is factor which Alton subject park should concentrate more because this subject Parkss have hotel agreements for costumiers hence they have to be perfect in maintaining good Quaintly standard life conditions so that clients are satisfied in a good manner and one time costumiers are happy signifier there services this will assist to better subject Parkss image and good growing in gross revenues what is pest analysis. ( 2008 ) . How to cite Work: Economic Growth and Theme Park Essay, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Social Prejudice In Schools Essays - Special Education,
Social Prejudice In Schools Children from middle-class families generally are more successful in public schools than children from low-income families. Is the school system responsible for this problem, or is lower performance among low-income children a result of their home environment? The home environment has a big role in a childs education and if it is not supportive of the school environment, the student will not be as successful in school as the child whose home environment is supportive of the schools learning environment will. The typical public school teacher is a middle-class white female. The typical curricula, tests, and learning tools used in public schools were created by middle-class educators and are geared toward the needs of middle-class children. The middle-class teacher may not be able to communicate as well with the lower-class student as she could with a middle class student. A poor minority student may have trouble understanding English if English is not his/her first language or if English is not spoken in his/her home, and the teacher may have trouble understanding his/her broken English. Different social classes also use different slang and voice inflections, and have ways of speaking that contain hidden meanings. So the language a lower-class student uses at home may cause him to have trouble communicating with his middle-class teacher and classmates. In his book, Aint No Makin It, Jay MacLeod tells how a group of poor students in a particular school were able to relate to a teacher (Jim my Sullivan) who spoke their language. It was cool, cuz like you walk in thereyou talk to Jimmy, and you know Jimmys real cool, said one of his students. Related to this language barrier that exists between low and middle social classes are behavior differences which affect teachers perceptions and expectations of students. Poor and minority students are more likely to be placed in low tracks (Oakes, 64) than middle-class children, probably because teachers misinterpret certain students abilities. J. Oakes suggests that one of the reasons this happens is because of the existence of a hidden curriculum, one in which teachers expectations and judgments are based on subtle behavior traits that are a part of each students home life and are brought to the classroom. Many students in lower tracks are placed there because of, according to Oakes, misbehavior and nonconformity which teachers associate with slowness (91). So do teachers assume that poor and minority students are misbehaved and non-conforming? In Aint No Makin It, MacLeod told us that the Hallway Hangers (low-income problem students who would not behave or conform in school) res ponded better to the teacher (Jimmy Sullivan) that they identified as being a part of their same social class. The Hallway Hangers respected their teacher because he was raised in the projects where the students now live, he talked the way they did; he was tough and stubborn just like they were. The other (middle-class) teachers were found by the Hallway Hangers to be condescending and pussies that dont know how to deal with us kids (MacLeod, 108-109). Clearly, a teacher who understood their language and behavior and identified with their social background was able to communicate with them and help them at least to stay in school. Teachers who couldnt relate to lower-class students werent respected by those students. In their book, Social Foundations of Educational Decisions, Fischer and Thomas state that distinctive things about a subculture (including language and behavior) have a definite influence on a childs learning style (26-27) and that informal educationwhich occurs outsi de of a formal school setting (mostly in the home) and is different in every family and subculturecauses differences in the way children learn (34). In their essay Social Class and Education, Brookover and Gottlieb refer to studies done by sociologists and educators that indicate that eventual expression of talent (Chilcott, 264) is affected by the ways parents rear their children, and that the expectations and attitudes of parents affect their childrens achievements in school. Researchers found that more middle-class parents have higher expectations and goals for their kids than parents of lower-class children, and that children from higher class families typically have higher IQs, GPAs, and test scores than kids from lower-class families
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